Crystallization by controlled cooling
Continuous crystallization in a stirred tank
- Glass preparation vessel, jacketed glass vessel.
- Glass graduated, jacketed intermedia vessel.
- Jacketed glass crystalliser, draining valve.
- Stirrer variable speed.
- Pneumatic controller draining valve.
- Peristaltic pumps with rotation variable speed
- Thermostate glass Buchner filter.
- Thermoregulator group
- Cryothermostated group. Cooling for air.
- Thermoregulator
- Pt 100 Ω temperature probes.
- Level detectors
Dim : 250 x 80 x 200 cm – 200 kg
SS tubular framework 40 x 40mm
Télécharger la fiche
Continuous or batch operation
Material balance.
Thermal balance.
Study of the influence of parameters on crystallization
Temperature, stirring speed, concentration on the performance.
Study of the crystallization kinetics
Temperature control