Discover PIGNAT's Quality and CSR Policy!

To be part of the societal development...

ISO 9001

Towards continuous improvement

Since 2008, Pignat is committed to a continuous improvement approach. This approach is mainly based on obtaining a certification of conformity to the ISO 9001 standard (International Organization for Standardization). This international standard, model of management system for Quality, aims to improve the quality of production and organization of our company by setting the following objectives:

  • To guarantee the quality of our products and services,
  • To perpetuate our know-how and develop the skills of our employees.

Last update: ISO 9001:2015.

ISO 45001

Towards a policy of prevention

Pursuing its commitment to continuous improvement, Pignat is deploying an Occupational Health and Safety management system since 2012. We thus obtained our first certification according to the French MASE (Company Health Safety Environment Improvement Manual) standard.

However, given the international development of the company in the following years, a change of reference system was necessary.

In 2016, PIGNAT was certified as compliant with the OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) standard. The choice of this British standard allows not only the recognition of our system by all our customers, but also the integration of Quality and Safety within the same whole.

Since 2020, we have been certified to ISO 45001, an international standard that has gradually replaced OHSAS 18001. This standard further facilitates the integration of management systems with other existing quality systems such as ISO 9001.

Latest update: ISO 45001:2018.


The double certification ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 is a real tool for risk management and control of our processes. This approach aims to optimize our quality performance and prevent health and safety risks in the workplace. In this way, it is part of a CSR policy by responding to economic and social issues.

...And in a more sustainable environmental approach


For several years, PIGNAT has been trying to reduce its impact on the environment and to consume in a more sustainable way.

This will is achieved through several actions, among which :

  • Sorting and recovery of our waste (for example: specific skip for cardboard, reuse of packaging linings, collection of metal waste, etc.),
  • Reduction of the use of dangerous products (for example: substitution of chemical products if possible, use of chemical products reduced to its strict necessity, etc.),
  • More responsible consumption by privileging collaboration with local actors in the realization of our projects.


In parallel, PIGNAT also offers a range of products oriented towards sustainable development. Indeed, we propose, within our educational range, a large panel of educational units in environment and bio-industry. Moreover, we are the only company to offer its own unit to study liquid-liquid extraction. In partnership with the ENSIC foundation, we offer the "Extr'Aq" clean process, which allows the use of non-polluting products, unlike the solvents usually used.

We therefore respond to environmental issues both through our actions and by supporting projects oriented towards a green economy.

PIGNAT is resolutely committed to a Quality and CSR approach through its certifications and its actions in terms of environment. And this is only the beginning, other actions follow... and are coming soon!