Study of a filtration medium pressure and constant flow

Study of plates assembly and disassembly


  • 250 L raw water storage.
  • Compressed air stirring device.
  • Press filter: SS lined, five detachable plates 250 x 250 mm, PVC and web polymer. Compressed air injection valve and PVC detachable tank for cake debottling.
  • Filtered water storage polyethylene tank, with connection towards pump.
  • Screw pump. 


  • Relative pressure transmitter.
  • Manometer.
  • Flowmeters.


Dim : 220 x 70 x 200 cm – 250 kg
SS tubular framework 40 x 40mm


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Implement the filtration process

Filtration pressure

Filtration surface area

Filtration flow


Define the bed filtration parameters

Bed and cake flow resistance

Determination of the dryness of the filtration cake obtained